
Report Endpoints

GET /report/overview

Returns the report overview from all forms. The report includes view numbers, response numbers, happiness rate, NPS and detailed general reports of each form.

curl -X GET \{start_date}/{end_date} \
  -H 'x-api-key: {api_key}' \
  -H 'x-secret-key: {secret_key}'
Parameters Mandatory Description
start_date Start date of the report. Example: 2019-01-01
end_date End date of the report. Example: 2019-12-31

GET /report/feedbacks

Returns the feedback data for the specified date range.

curl -X GET \{start_date}/{end_date}/{form_id}/{bus_prop} \
  -H 'x-api-key: {api_key}' \
  -H 'x-secret-key: {secret_key}'
Parameters Mandatory Description
start_date Start date of the report.
end_date End date of the report.
form_id The UUID of the form. Example:3a6c0099-73c0-4169-8038-828c0c7bf6dc
bus_prop Business property of the form. Example: room:104

GET /report/feedbacks/comment

Returns feedback data with comments on the specified date range. Only feedbacks with comment will be returned.

curl -X GET \{start_date}/{end_date}/{form_id}/{bus_prop} \
  -H 'x-api-key: {api_key}' \
  -H 'x-secret-key: {secret_key}'
Parameters Mandatory Description
start_date Start date of the report.
end_date End date of the report.
form_id The UUID of the form. Example:3a6c0099-73c0-4169-8038-828c0c7bf6dc
bus_prop Business property of the form. Example: room:104

GET /report/form

Returns form response data such as view count, response count, comments, happiness rate, NPS, and responses in summary for each field.

curl -X GET \{form_id}/{start_date}/{end_date}/{bus_prop} \
  -H 'x-api-key: {api_key}' \
  -H 'x-secret-key: {secret_key}'
Parameters Mandatory Description
form_id The UUID of the form. Example:3a6c0099-73c0-4169-8038-828c0c7bf6dc
start_date Start date of the report.
end_date End date of the report.
bus_prop Business property of the form. Example: room:104

GET /report/summary

Returns summary feedback data in the specified date range.

curl -X GET \{start_date}/{end_date}/{form_id}/{bus_prop} \
  -H 'x-api-key: {api_key}' \
  -H 'x-secret-key: {secret_key}'
Parameters Mandatory Description
start_date Start date of the report.
end_date End date of the report.
form_id The UUID of the form. Example:3a6c0099-73c0-4169-8038-828c0c7bf6dc
bus_prop Business property of the form. Example: room:104